Thursday, November 19, 2009

11th Kiva choice - Dative

Here is the choice of 11th hour for the Kiva funds:

Dative wanted a loan to buy more items to sell at her store to increase profits. As of 3:00pm, she had 26% of her loan amount raised.
**Edit** As of 5:25pm on Thursday 11/19, Dative's loan was completely funded! I guess others liked her pink dress, too. :)

7/8th Hour - Walid!

Here is 7/8th hours' choice for the Kiva loan:

Walid wanted money to buy supplies for his barbershop. of 1:50pm, we've already received an email that his loan has been fully funded! Here's the email:

Dear FAHS Seniors EconomicsClass,
This is an update on your loan to Walid in Lebanon.Thanks to you and 38 other Kiva Lenders, the 1000.00 loan requested byWalid in Lebanon has been 100% funded. The loan will be used for thepurpose of: To purchase tools for his work.. Over the months of thisloan, Kiva’s Field Partner in Lebanon, Al Majmoua Lebanese Associationfor Development, will be collecting repayments from this entrepreneurand posting progress updates on the Kiva website.

Thanks for lending to the world's working poor on Kiva!
Best Wishes, Kiva Staff

4/5th Hour - Kiva Choice

This is Ami Edra, the choice for 4/5th hour Econ for a microloan through Kiva. She wants to buy more corn while it is cheap, to keep and resell when it is more expensive - great choice for an econ class! :)

**Edit** As of 9:25am on Saturday 11/21, Ami Edra's loan was completely funded! Now, we'll wait to see if we get any updates. :)

3rd Hour - Mercy Imeh Here is the woman that 3rd hour chose to give a loan. Mercy wants to buy a refrigerator to keep sodas cold so they sell better!

**Edit** 11:25am -- Mercy already has her complete loan funded! :) Here's the email I received:

Dear FAHS Seniors EconomicsClass,

This is an update on your loan to Mercy Imeh in Nigeria.Thanks to you and 12 other Kiva Lenders, the 350.00 loan requested byMercy Imeh in Nigeria has been 100% funded. The loan will be used forthe purpose of: To buy a refrigerator . Over the months of this loan,Kiva’s Field Partner in Nigeria, Lift Above Poverty Organization(LAPO), will be collecting repayments from this entrepreneur and postingprogress updates on the Kiva website.

Thanks for lending to the world's working poor on Kiva!Best Wishes, Kiva Staff

New classes - new Kiva loans!

Updates will be posted here! :)