Thursday, November 19, 2009

3rd Hour - Mercy Imeh Here is the woman that 3rd hour chose to give a loan. Mercy wants to buy a refrigerator to keep sodas cold so they sell better!

**Edit** 11:25am -- Mercy already has her complete loan funded! :) Here's the email I received:

Dear FAHS Seniors EconomicsClass,

This is an update on your loan to Mercy Imeh in Nigeria.Thanks to you and 12 other Kiva Lenders, the 350.00 loan requested byMercy Imeh in Nigeria has been 100% funded. The loan will be used forthe purpose of: To buy a refrigerator . Over the months of this loan,Kiva’s Field Partner in Nigeria, Lift Above Poverty Organization(LAPO), will be collecting repayments from this entrepreneur and postingprogress updates on the Kiva website.

Thanks for lending to the world's working poor on Kiva!Best Wishes, Kiva Staff

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